Vision & Mission


To emerge as a center of excellence and innovation through leadership in professional education with concern for social and human values.


  • To benefit the public through service to industry university NGO Government and the engineering profession.
  • To extend the base of engineering knowledge through research and by developing technology to serve the needs of society and nation.
  • To educate men and women for carriers of leadership and innovation in information technology and related fields special to our people from rural.
  • To develop and create a unique and world class institution in the area of information technology.

Quality policy

Sheth Shri Otarmal Sheshmal Parmar College is committed to:

  • To provide technical education as per guidelines of competent authorities;
  • To motivate faculties for higher studies and skill upgradation for achieving excellence in their respective fields;
  • To provide facilities for all round personality development of students;
  • To encourage the students for undertaking technical projects for direct benefit to the society;
  • To improve employability skills of students by organizing training programs for students and assist them for placement;